Virginia Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Virginia

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Air Mileage Chart of Virginia

Distance (miles)
Virginia Beach
Newport News
South Boston
Virginia Beach 17 93 153 27 147 221 18 35 178 193 83 79 158 162
Norfolk 17 79 148 12 142 203 1 18 162 180 66 63 152 145
Richmond 93 79 95 67 90 139 79 73 94 100 22 18 96 99
Arlington 153 148 95 137 6 191 149 152 152 101 116 110 8 181
Newport News 27 12 67 137 130 194 12 19 152 168 56 52 141 138
Alexandria 147 142 90 6 130 190 142 146 149 101 111 104 12 177
Roanoke 221 203 139 191 194 190 203 189 45 100 140 146 186 70
Portsmouth 18 1 79 149 12 142 203 17 162 180 66 63 153 144
Suffolk 35 18 73 152 19 146 189 17 149 173 57 56 155 129
Lynchburg 178 162 94 152 152 149 45 162 149 73 96 102 147 51
Harrisonburg 193 180 100 101 168 101 100 180 173 73 116 117 94 121
Petersburg 83 66 22 116 56 111 140 66 57 96 116 8 117 91
Hopewell 79 63 18 110 52 104 146 63 56 102 117 8 112 98
Tysons 158 152 96 8 141 12 186 153 155 147 94 117 112 178
South Boston 162 145 99 181 138 177 70 144 129 51 121 91 98 178

Map of Virginia with Flight Distances

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